Haute Route 2023
Chamonix, France to Zermatt, Switzerland
In late August 2023 I flew to Geneva, Switzerland and then took a bus to Chamonix, France where I met my friend Marc. Our goal was to hike the Haute Route in is entirety, from Chamonix to Zermatt, home of the Matterhorn. As you will see, there were some detours and changes on the fly, but we did end up in Zermatt and had a great trip, with some unanticipated type 2 fun mixed in. This trip was shot on a Fuji XT-4, primarily with the 10-24 lens.
Day 1 Chamonix Train Station
Day 1 Chamonix
Day 1 Chamonix to Argentierre
View of Argentierre
Day 1 : Looking back towards Chamonix
Day 1 Looking back towards Chamonix
Day 2 Argentierre to Trient
Mike at the summit between France and Switzerland (Photo by Marc)
Day 2 Argentierre to Trient
Day 2 Arriving in Trient
Mike Detour 1 : View of Martigny
Day 3: Taking in the view at Champex Du Lac
Day 3: View from our room in Champex du Lac
Day 3: Sunset over Champex du Lac
Day 4 : Champex du Lac to Le Chable
Day 4: En route to Le Chable, Marc is confused
Day 4: Mike en route to Le Chable
Arriving in Le Chable (Photo by Marc)
Le Chable (Photo by Marc)
Entering Le Chable to bells chiming
Graveyard in Le Chable
Dinner in Le Chable!
View from Les Ruinettes
View from Les Ruinettes (Photo by Marc)
Hiking towards Cabane de Louvie
Fog rolls in on the way to Cabane de Louvie
On the way to Cabane de Louvie
Glacier view on the way to Cabane de Louvie
Glacier view on the way to Cabane de Louvie
Glacier view on the way to Cabane de Louvie
Mike lost in a sea of rocks (Photo by Marc)
Marc reaches the summit!
Mike also reached the summit (Photo by Marc)
I could look at this summit view forever
Zigzagging from the summit
Almost to Cabane de Louvie
Cabane de Louvie, we made it! My favorite spot on the entire trip! (Photo by Marc)
Taking in the view with a cold beer at Cabane de Louvie
Uhhhhhh, Snow in August? Here we go
Glacier de Moiry
Glacier de Moiry
Hiking in the snow in Grimentz, Marc's childhood vacation spot!
Hiking in the snow outside of Grimentz (Photo by Marc)
Looking down at Grimentz
Warming up with Fondue and a comfort from home, Lagunitas IPA all the way out in Grimentz!
Postholing over a pass, let the type 2 fun begin. We met a father and son Brit duo and spent the day alone out there with them.
Not sure if the summit in Switzerland or a shot from the Shackleford Expedition
A German, Two Brits, and a Yank walk onto a summit......There's gotta be a joke that starts that way right?
View from Taschalp
Oh hey, its the Matterhorn!
Not a bad view from the balcony in Zermatt
Moonlight Matterhorn Sonata
Obligatory reflection shot
But wait, there's more
Post Haute - Grindelwald Taking the train to the Platte (Photo by Marc)
Nothing but views (best views on the entire trip other than Cabane de Louvie day)
Platte Views
More Platte, its what plants crave
Platte for days
Interlaken down below (Photo by Marc)
Interlaken meet Interponden
Y'all got any more Platt?
Yup, thats a nice lake (Photo by Marc)
Marc also likes Lakes
American drinks Americano in Zurich, and now my watch has ended